Best Practices for Digital Signage in Your Office
Best PracticesIf you're looking for content tips for digital signage, look no further. In this post, we explore best practices for digital signage in the office.
Company News and Updates
Our first tip for digital signage is using signage to keep employees updated with press and media coverage as a great way to increase engagement at work. As employees will be able to see the efforts of their work converting into worldwide coverage- there is no better way to get conversations started within teams and motivate them to work harder.
For example, you can place your digital signage in the reception, where employees see coverage right when they walk in and start their day on a positive note. It’s also a great way to build recognition and show evidence of your work to visitors and clients!
Company goals
Reinforcing company goals is integral to keep employees on track by giving them something to work towards. A content tip for digital signage is displaying these company goals on your digital signage devices is a great way to maintain a transparent approach to goals. It’s a great way to band everyone together and make sure everyone knows the company goals and how they fit into them.
Company Mission and Values
Company mission and values are particularly important for a growing organization. When you onboard new employees, it is important for them to let these new recruits know what the company core values are. Reinforcing your company's mission and values through digital signage is a great way to make sure employees grow into the company's culture.
Department targets
Department targets are always an area of importance to businesses and a recommendation for digital signage would be to put department targets in a visible office location.
For employees, meeting these targets potentially means an increase in salary, job promotions or recognition. Putting these department targets as content on digital signage helps to keep teams accountable and also allows internal recognition for a job well done. You can place digital signage devices on department floors or areas to keep goals relevant to specific teams.
IT Troubleshooting
Everyone has been there- you can’t figure out an IT issue and hesitate to call the IT department because they’re already so busy (and it’ll be the 1000th time this month you’re calling them.)
Here's a great tip for digital signage: if the server is down or there's a common problem everyone is having, it’s easy for the IT department to update everyone through a content blast on digital signage. Moreover, weekly content displaying with the most frequently asked IT questions and answers will help reduce the workload on the IT department and the stress on your employees who hesitate to call them.
Meeting schedules
Increase the transparency in your organization by showing your employees the meeting schedules for meeting rooms. Display your content on digital signage and just a quick scan of a meeting room schedule, displayed on digital signage will help employees plan their meetings and time better. This might just be the best content tip for digital signage you've ever got!
After Event Announcements
Almost every company has an annual dinner, a holiday party or after work events. Content tip for digital signage: engage your employees and make them feel involved by making sure everyone knows about these events.
Remember, not everyone reads an email titled: “ Ho! Ho! Ho!” Make sure everyone knows- use your digital signage to schedule content that allows frequent reminders closer to date.
Office Building Announcements
Many times, companies don’t have control over building issues like fire alarm testing or broken elevators. It’s hard to make sure everyone knows what's going on, especially if it's last minute. Make sure your employees don’t get stuck waiting for elevators or panic over fire alarm tests! Use your digital signage for displaying building announcements to avoid needless panic or wasted time.
Nixplay Signage offers unique B2B solutions. Get in touch today for a free demo, for details of our offerings or for any questions or inquiries. Try Nixplay Signage now to start seeing the difference.
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