Digital Signage for Multi-Dwelling Units
Industry UseOne way to do so is by investing in new technology to communicate with homeowners. Several multi-dwelling units have installed digital signage to streamline and simplify communication between building administrators and residents, as well as prospective tenants. Digital signage has proven to be an effective way for homeowners to receive relevant and accurate information. Here are some ways multi-dwelling units can utilize digital signage to enhance their communication efforts.
Community Boards
Digital signage can also keep residents informed about community updates, billing deadlines, utility updates, and other relevant announcements. Property managers can also invite homeowners to use digital signage displays to promote their products and events, nurturing a sense of community by having residents get to know each other better.
Elevator Signage
Residents of condominiums and multi-level residential developments use the elevator several times a day, making it a prime location for signage displays. By providing passengers with bite-sized educational and creative content, they will be entertained and informed while going up and down the building.
Lobby Signage
First impressions can make a huge difference, and digital signage can be used to make a memorable impression by warmly welcoming homeowners and guests in the lobby. Property managers and real estate agents can also use lobby signage to attract potential tenants by displaying key features of the development and including their contact details. Digital signage can also double as an announcement board, where reminders and updates can be posted so residents wouldn’t forget.
Advertising Opportunities
Digital signage can be used as an advertising space. By installing digital signage, real estate developers can have the opportunity to generate additional income by inviting companies and commercial establishments to place advertisements that will be shown on the displays. It’s also a great way for nearby businesses to gain more exposure.
Looking for easy-to-use digital signage that adapts to your business’ needs? Nixplay Signage can help. Our out-of-the-box, WiFi digital signage solutions are scalable, affordable, and quick to install. Our displays are powered by our Nixplay Signage Software, allowing you to manage your content remotely and touch-free.
Contact us to find out how Nixplay Signage can help you to innovate your communications.
Email: sales@nixplaysignage.com
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