Digital Signage In Schools Creates Safe & Connected Communities
Best PracticesSchools face tough, daily challenges and none can be as hard as communication. Communicating with students, parents, faculty, and community members is an essential part of school operations.
Simply sending flyers home with students is not enough; especially when last-minute changes require rapid communication with parents and students. Community members must be informed about changing circumstances and information will need to be shared as quickly and as accurately as possible in the event of an emergency.
These daily challenges and other concerns have led to an increase in digital signage in schools. These easy-to-read signs can be easily updated to reflect the latest news or information. They are affordable and can be integrated into a school’s existing communication systems with ease. These are just some of the reasons why schools are implementing digital signage today.
Digital Signs In Daily Use
Digital signs are easy to update and this makes them ideal for communicating daily changes or information. Schools use digital signs to announce:
- School assemblies
- Lunch menus
- Sporting events
- Plays and other performances
- Major Test days
- Upcoming holidays
Digital signage clearly displays information entered by its users. Announcements made in the morning can be displayed on signs throughout the day, providing helpful reminders to students and teachers. Additional signs can be placed at strategic locations throughout the school grounds to further share information.
Digital signs are easy to set up and can be integrated into a school’s existing communication system in very little time. Because there are no production or implementation, these digital signs are great for budget-minded organizations.
Student's projects or achievements can also be featured on digital signs. This is a great incentive for schools that want to showcase their latest football win, their marching band's competition, school dances, or other visually-appealing events.
Honor students, academic teams, and science clubs can be featured on digital signs throughout the school to foster healthy competition and to reward students for hard work. Sports highlights can also be added to the signs to stir up school spirit. Partner with school newspaper staff to collect great images of student activities.
Today’s students are more at ease with technology than any past generation. They respond seamlessly to digital communication and take note of information shared this way. This fact alone makes digital signage a worthwhile investment for many school districts.
Digital Signs Communicate With Parents or Guardians
Digital signs placed outdoors in a prominent location can be used to communicate with community members as well as with students and staff. These signs are ideal for making announcements of interest to the local community. This can include upcoming sporting events, school plays, cultural fairs, sporting events, major test days, and school holidays.
Registering for the new school year is something that parents have to think about each fall. Schools can easily share this information with parents by using an exterior digital sign. Announce the day, time, and location of school registration as well as any updates to this information that needs sharing.
News regarding the weather also has to be shared with parents. Closings due to snow, rain, or other severe weather is not uncommon in many school districts and parents need to updated for these changing circumstances.
Local TV and radio coverage can take a surprisingly long time to reach parents; a faster and more effective form of information is required in these kinds of situations. Digital signage can be placed almost anywhere, and as such, is a good way to alert parents of upcoming events and school closures.
In most places, schools are more than just buildings for educating children. They are community centers and typically host everything ranging from elections to sporting events throughout the year. This makes schools in many places very important community institutions. Communicating with all members of the community can be a challenge. This is another area where digital signage is really helping schools do much more.
School safety is a serious subject. Although all schools hope that no disaster ever occurs, it is better to be prepared for a problem before it occurs. Digital signs are clear and easy to read; this makes them ideal for sharing quick and accurate information with a crowd. Since schools often play a role in community disaster response, signage is naturally going to play a role in communication.
There are many ways in which digital signage in schools is the perfect solution to common concerns facing school administrators. Share information, keep parents informed and involve the community with the help of effective signage.
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